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NWTC Digital Media & Photography graduate

 Caden Woelffer

I had always wanted to learn how to use a camera, even as a child. My parents never bought any high quality camera so I’d use my phone to make videos when I was growing up. Eventually, when getting the choice of what career path I wanted to pursue, I chose the photography program despite the fact that I hadn’t much experience with camera technology at the time.

I was a quick learner, working and reading through material that would further my knowledge of cameras and light. After 3 years, my work is now being used by several small businesses across Wisconsin. In those 3 years, my work has improved dramatically. In part due to the fact that I diversified myself in getting more than just a photography degree at the technical college I attended. By broadening my knowledge to videography and graphic design, I increased the quality of my photos beyond that of my peers. With an intimate knowledge of photoshop and adobe software, I’m able to bring my photos to life in ways I could have only dreamed of a few years ago.

My work consists of dark and moody images, as well as bright sweeping landscapes. I aim to make vibrant and high contrast images that stand apart from what the industry currently displays. This style of photography has always been my dream to create more of, and I am confident that the work I do is high enough quality to make a career out of.


Phone #:   (920) - 373 - 7956

Based in Green Bay Wisconsin 

Thank you!

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